Nevada Division of Environmental Protection

Bureau of Air Pollution Control

Chemical Accident Prevention Program (CAPP)

Annual Registration

Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) establish the registration requirements for facilities that produce, use, store or handle designated quantities of listed substances.

Pursuant to NAC 459.95348, a registration form is due on or before June 21st of each year. If a facility is subject to the "two-release" provision (see NAC 459.95323, subparagraph 2, paragraph a, subsection 1), a registration form must be submitted not later than 90 days after the provisions take effect.

Note: The reporting requirements for the Chemical Accident Prevention Program are different from those of the Nevada State Fire Marshal. The State Fire Marshal's Consolidated Reporting Form does not satisfy the Chemical Accident Prevention Program registration.

Change in Ownership

Whenever the owner or operator of a facility changes in between registration periods, a Change in Ownership form must be filed with NDEP within 14 days of the transfer (NAC 459.95512)

Submit Forms

You can now register and submit your data online via an electronic registration form. By registering online, you will be able to view or modify your Facility information as it changes.